Daksha Recorder: Hassle-Free YAML File Creation for Application Testing
Daksha Recorder is a Chrome extension developed by mykaarma Engineering. This free add-on falls under the category of Browsers, specifically Add-ons & Tools. Designed to enhance application testing on Daksha, this extension simplifies the process of creating YAML files.
With Daksha Recorder, users can effortlessly record their actions within an application. Based on these recordings, the extension generates a YAML file that can be utilized in the open source tool "DAKSHA" for testing purposes.
To get started, simply right-click on the webpage where you want to begin recording and select "START DAKSHA RECORDER" from the context menu. All the necessary functionalities, such as starting, pausing, resuming, stopping, and downloading the YAML file, are conveniently available within the context menu.
Daksha Recorder streamlines the creation of YAML files for application testing, offering a hassle-free experience for users.
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